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Conflict Checking and Confidentiality Statement

At Latus Mare Group, we understand that situations may arise where the interests of one client may conflict with the interests of another client. However, our top priority is to maintain transparency in all of our actions and services. This is reflected in our core values as a company, which include transparency, integrity, professionalism, and discretion.
We believe that maintaining these values is crucial for demonstrating good governance and risk management in situations of potential conflicts of interest. We have established internal policies and procedures to manage these situations in a fair and equitable manner for all clients. Our goal is to always carry out assignments in a way that does not pose a conflict of interest for any client.
To ensure that potential conflicts of interest are identified and addressed, we have implemented a conflict check procedure that is conducted in all cases where Latus Mare is appointed to an assignment. This procedure is an essential part of our quality management system and is designed to ensure that clients are informed of any potential conflicts as soon as they are identified. Clients are provided with information on how Latus Mare can address these potential conflicts, and are given the opportunity to provide instructions on how they would like us to proceed.
In all cases, Latus Mare is committed to being transparent and open in our approach to clients. We understand that conflicts of interest can be sensitive, and we strive to handle them in a way that is respectful, professional, and fair to all parties involved. Additionally, We will work with clients to find a solution that best serves their interests and the interests of all parties involved.